TGIA – Thank God for Nelson Mandela


As the world digests the news of the passing of Nelson Mandela, we sit with millions of others watching the newsreels summarising his extraordinary and long life.  My children struggle with the facts of the old apartheid regime, they cannot understand, or even believe, that such a society existed within their parents lifetime.

And it is because of Nelson Mandela and all those who fought with him that the not just South Africa, but the world changed.

I live in a free African country where it is not racial discrimination, but the shackles of poverty and chiefdom which prevent people from realising their true potential.

I come from one of the richest, freest countries on Earth, but a place where increasing racism and discrimination continue to hold it’s most vulnerable people  back.

Nelson Mandela’s example taught us, to paraphrase Tony Blair, that racism is not just immoral, but stupid. The problems of our world are profound and ongoing. We must try to follow his example, to teach our children the importance of standing up for what you believe is true, and to live a life imbued with humility, courage, reconciliation and grace.

Vale Nelson Mandela.

“Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished”

4 responses to “TGIA – Thank God for Nelson Mandela

  1. A beautiful post, Chris.

    I have found tears sneaking up on me all morning – while like you, I grew up well away from apartheid and South Africa, there’s something about Mr Mandela that struck a cord with me, even as a teenager. The world has lost a leader, that is for sure, and now we hope to keep his work, message & memory alive for generations like you children, who can’t fathom how such a history could exist.


  2. Well said Chris
    Nelson will continue to live on in the hearts of people worldwide.
    It is hard to believe apartheid ever existed
    You should consider freelance writing, you have a gift
    Stay well and see you soon we hope
    Bye for now


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